The SETE algorithm can calculate SETE scores using standard Course Evaluations data coupled with results from the SETE instrument. But, including additional data can help produce more accurate and reliable scores based on outside influences.
Student Import
SETE will use the following data items if they are included in the Student Import. Bias data can be removed by re-importing after the SETE process runs with any or all of the data columns blanked out.
Column Name
| Description
| Length
| If not supplied, reverts to student program for SETE processing.
| 30
| Student Academic Level (use numbers):
1 | Freshman
| 2 | Sophomore
| 3 | Junior
| 4 | Senior
| 5 | Post Bac
| 6 | Master's
| 7 | Doctoral
| 20
| Gender: M/F
| 1
| GPA Mean
| 5
Course Load
| Credits enrolled for this semester
| 4
Credits Earned
| Total credits earned
| 4
Faculty Import
SETE will use the following data items if they are included in the Faculty Import. Bias data can be removed by re-importing after the SETE process runs with any or all of the data columns blanked out.
Column Name
| Description
| Length
| Gender: M/F
| 1
| Date of Hire/affiliation with institution. Used to calculate # years with institution. Format is YYYYMMDD
| 8
| Used to calculate age. YYYYMMDD
| 8
| Level/Rank:
Adjunct Professor
| Assistant Professor
| Lecturer
| Associate Professor
| Professor
| Special Appointment
| 20
Course Import
SETE will use the following data items if they are included in the Course Import:
Column Name
| Description
| Length
Course Type
| Arbitrary course type. Configurable to use as Instruction Type for SETE. If used, use the numbers below that translate to a specific type:
1 | Type 1 organized lecture
| 2 | Type 2 Lab
| 3 | Type 3 Practicum
| 4 | Type 4 seminar
| 5 | Type 5 Ind Studies
| 6 | Type 6 Private Lessons
| 25
Course Designation
| Arbitrary course designation. Configurable to use as Delivery method for SETE:
Face to Face
| Hybrid
| Video Confer
| Internet
| 25
| Building Room Assigned
| 10
Time Of Day Range
| Buckets for the time of day the course is held. Use the numbers:
0 | Default
| 1 | begins before 9am m-f
| 2 | class begins between 2-4 m-f
| 3 | class begins after 5:30 m-f
| 4 | class meets on Saturday
| 10
| Y/N - Core course for institution
| 1