Welcome to Course EvaluationsThis checklist will help you collect the needed information for Course Evaluations implementation. 

Please use this as a guide as you prepare to launch Course Evaluations for the first time, or if you need a simple review.  

Items to consider before you launch Course Evaluations:

1. Who will be the Course Evaluations Manager at the school? This person would be responsible for the following:

  • Importing data (or it could be someone from IT)
  • Setting up surveys
  • Setting up communication Group Emails
  • Viewing high-level reports
  • Fielding calls and emails from students and faculty (or this could go to a Campus Help Desk)

2. Who is the IT contact at the school? This person would be responsible for the following:

  • Generating the needed data import files for Course Evaluations
  • Importing the needed data each term/semester (or this could be the Course Evaluations Manager)
  • Setting up Learning Management System (LMS) integration, if needed
  • Setting up external authentication (like CAS, Shibboleth, LDAP, etc.), if needed
  • Upgrading the Course Evaluations site to the new version, if self-hosted on campus
  • Adding/creating a shared email address for your managers. Example: courseval@yourschool.edu

3. Will you be integrating Course Evaluations Response Portal with your Learning Management System (LMS)?

  • Jenzabar
  • Canvas
  • Brightspace by D2L
  • Blackboard
  • Moodle
  • Sakai

4. Do you have campus external authentication technology available on campus? Here is what Course Evaluations supports currently:

  • Domain Authentication  (Windows Networks) 
  • MS ADSI Authentication (including Active Directory and other LDAP)
  • CAS Authentication
  • Shibboleth Authentication

Authenticate using a Custom Module (Provided by Course EvaluationsTM)

5. Do you have a school approved survey instrument