Below is an example of a Group Email template that can be used to communicate to survey participants. Simply copy and paste the below text in to a new Group Email template in Course Evaluations. You will then be able to customize the email, if needed.
The student course and teacher evaluation surveys maintained by our area, will now be administered online to students enrolled in courses offered by your department or School. The first e-mail notices to students will be sent ENTER DATE HERE, and the survey will remain active until the end of the final exam period. Weekly reminders will be sent to students with uncompleted surveys but participation remains voluntary. The student responses are anonymous. Responses are pooled and cannot be connected with individual students.
In subsequent semesters, the online process will allow units and individual faculty to customize the survey questions for individual sections. Among the other advantages of this system will be a system for evaluating team-taught courses, enhanced written comments, no class time required, better reports for faculty and departments, and better record-keeping. We rely on your comments to help us build a better system.
The survey site contains a survey for each student in each enrolled section. One or all surveys may be completed with each login. Responses are anonymous and cannot be connected to the student. Please encourage your students to participate because that is the most effective way to improve response rates.
For this semester we are surveying all sections, graduate and undergraduate, in the College.
At any stage in this process, please send your questions and comments to YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS. Evaluations are important to us and are needed to insure good teaching and learning. Student participation is essential and appreciated. We rely on your participation too. Your questions and comments will help build this system.
Thank you for your cooperation.