Right-click - it's awesome!

Most browsers provide some basic features that make using Course Evaluations and other web applications so much easier. 

Try Right-Clicking a link to e-x-p-a-n-d your Course Evaluations experience!

Right-click any link or menu option to:

  • Open in a new tab
  • Open in a new window
  • Open in a new private or incognito window

Most browsers offer these options. Google Chrome and Firefox are our favorite browsers. All of these features are available. Internet Explorer seems to lack the idea of a new, private, window.

Two Screen Experience

Many people have the convenience of two monitors or a very large monitor that allows you to see more than one page or application at a time. You can increase your productivity in a single application or web application if you can be on two different pages at the same time. For example, review courses in the course list while simultaneously constructing your survey.

  • Login to Course Evaluations once
  • Right-click any link or menu option in CE and select "open in a new window". 
  • Once you have the second window open in the same browser you can position the windows to see both at the same time.

Impersonation - Navigating in two portals

You may also use the right-click feature to open a new "private" or "incognito" window when impersonating a student or instructor. This will allow you to navigate in both the Manager Portal and the Response Portal at the same time in the same browser without having to login every time your refresh.

  • Login to Course Evaluations once
  • Go to the Student list, Faculty list, or Survey Access Report. 
  • Select the person you would like to impersonate and go into the details to see the impersonation option.
  • Right-click on the impersonation link and select "open in a new private window" (Firefox) or "open in new incognito window" (Chrome). 
  • Now you can navigate independently in the Manger and Response Portals using the same browser.

Related Articles:

Impersonate Tool - Impersonating a User