Looking to figure how out the faculty hierarchy works in Course Evaluations? If so, please review the information below to learn about the differences between School Administrators, Course Department Administrators, Responsible Faculty, and more...
Level 1: President or Provost
School Administrators have viewing rights for all available evaluations.
Level 2: Deans, Department/Division Chairs
Course Department Administrators can see all course and faculty results for courses belonging to their department.
Faculty Department Administrators can see faculty results for faculty belonging to their department no matter what department the course belongs to.
Level 3: Course Director, Course Supervisors, Faculty
Course Administrators can view all course and faculty results for the courses they are assigned to.
Level 4: Faculty of Record
Responsible Faculty can view their own results for course and instructor questions. If allowed, the responsible faculty can have access to results of other instructors for a team taught class as well as all participating faculty/teaching assistants’ results.
Level 5: Preceptor, Guest Lecturer, Junior Faculty, Clinical Instructor. Teaching Assistants
Assessed Individuals (Participating faculty and Teaching Assistants) have access to their own results for instructor questions and can view all course questions results. They do not have access to any other faculty members results for the courses they taught in. This would also include custom levels that a school might create.