Questions may not appear because:
- The questions need to be selected to be used in the report on the survey in the 'Display Options' of the survey.
Note: To save you time, these options can/should be set on the 'Display Options' of your survey template/s. The settings will then carry over to the survey when you create them.
- Response sets that are not set to 'Graph Average Value of Responses' or do not lend themselves to a mean value (like yes/no or gender) are not eligible to be used on the Survey Intelligence report. If questions are missing, check to make sure that the 'Graph Average Value of Responses' option is chosen for the response sets of the questions.
A new feature was added in v.84.2 to scan your Question Manager and Survey Administrations to look for issues.
Post-scan you can review the results to see which response sets are ready for SI and which are not. You may want to adjust response sets to exclude them from the SI report (e.g. demographic responses). You can then re-run the readiness check and choose the Fix option to automatically configure your questions for SI in your Survey Administrations and the Question Manager.