The Student Overall Summary provides Administrators with a summary report of results for individual participants. The results are based off of the Director Report content. This report brings together all of the data that has been collected in faculty assessment of student surveys and gives Course Evaluations Administrators a global view of performance and includes data from all student surveys, Director comments, Director overall responses to questions, shelf exam scores, and final grade scores.

  • A survey must not be anonymous to create this report.
  • This report is available on the Manager level of Course Evaluations only.

The Student Overall Summary is broken down into four parts:

  1. Header - The header contains the student’s pictures (if it is on the student’s record in Course Evaluations), the student’s full name, and the university name.
  2. Overall Ratings - The Overall Ratings contain each survey name, the rotation end date, and the ratings for the Shelf exam and final grade.
    • Rotation End Date - This date can be added in the Select Blocks on the survey or if it left blank it will appear as the close date of the block.
      • The surveys are ordered by the Rotation End Date in the list.
    • Final Grade - The final Grade is a feedback question and answer.
      • If the word “grade” appears in the feedback question text, it will be added to the report.
    • Results
      • Results will appear in green bold text, if the director report is marked complete for the survey
      • Results will appear in red bold text, if the director report is NOT marked as complete for the survey
      • The value will be red and say “incomplete” if there is no feedback answer and the director report is NOT marked as complete
      • The value will be red and say “No Score Found” if there is no feedback answer and the director report is marked as complete.
      • Information that is not applicable will appear in gray,
    • Shelf Exam- the Shelf Exam is a feedback question and answer.  
      • If the word Shelf Exam appears in the feedback question text it will be added to the report.
      • Results- See above.
  3. Written comments from Course Directors - The title is set up in the director report setup and will display the title set up on the first survey in the list.
  4. Director Responded - This section shows all of the answers for each question across all surveys. A section is created for each question and then score received is displayed. The rating scale used for each question appears at the bottom of the section. The questions appear in the same order as they did on the survey.

Note:  A student may be assigned to more than one site on a given rotation survey. These would/should have different block date ranges, but this is not always the case. For this report, the maximum date is taken when grouping by survey.