Before you get started:

  • Identify the Department Chairs who will be assessed, as well as the faculty who will be taking the surveys.
  • Create a course for the survey.
    1. The course name can be the department name (especially if this course will be used for the Department Chair to evaluate faculty) or it can be the Department Chairs name if it is only being used for the assessment of chairs.
  • The Department Chairs should be added as the Responsible Faculty member and the faculty doing the assessment should be added as Participating Faculty.
  • You must add at least one student to the course.
    1. The name will not be seen on the survey or results and the student will not be able to access the survey in any way. 
    2. All courses in Course Evaluations must have at least one student to be added to a survey.
  • Add the questions to the Question Manager, as people based, if more than one person is being assessed.

Building the survey:

  • On the Survey Administrations screen add a new standard survey.
  • Choose Faculty will assess Peers in the Assessment Focus drop down.
  • Click on the survey name and set the peer option. This determines who will take the survey and who will be assessed.
    1. All Participants Evaluate Each Other
    2. Supervisors Evaluate Subordinates
    3. Subordinates Evaluate Supervisors
  • Create the survey normally.
  • Click on the Selected Participants (e.g. X/X) to make sure that the faculty listed are the correct people to take the survey.
  • Preview the survey to make sure the faculty listed on the survey are the correct people to be evaluated.
  • Save
  • Finish the survey set up by setting the published deadline, the start and end dates and times.
  • For the Department Chair to be able to view the report for the survey that their Faculty completed about them, the results access settings need to be set up so Responsible Faculty can see any data for their courses.
  • The survey is now set up.
  • You may want to set-up manual Group E-mails with a custom message for this group.