Numeric Results
- Include Graphs with Data Tables- for reviewing results to comprehensive reports quickly.
- Include Data Tables Only (No Graphs)- best used for simple, clean reports.
- Do not include Numeric Results in report- only text comments will be shown
Text Results
- Include Text Responses- if this option is not checked no text responses will display.
Focus Options
- All - Includes all of the questions on the report.
- Course-based only - includes only course based questions on the report.
- People-based only - includes only people based questions on the report.
Graph Options
- Show patterned bars on graphs- best for printing in black and white.
- Show data labels next to graph bars- assists with clear, easy to read graphs
Core Statistics
- Statistics are calculated per question on the survey. Mean and Group Median selections also apply to Performance Comparisons if selected.
- Select Data Table Columns.
- N - The number of responses for a question. This statistic is not optional and will always be displayed.
- Mean - Average of responses
- Group Median - Calculated estimate of where the true median would have been had there been less granularity in the scale used. a.k.a. Interpolated Median - useful measure for situations where the total range of answers to a question is relatively narrow (e.g. likert scales).
- N/A Count - Number of times Not Applicable/ was selected for a question when the option is present. N/A responses are not/ included in the total count of responses.
- Frequency Distribution - Distribution of answers across all responses. Choose between a percentage of the total count of responses and the actual counts for each response.
Additional Statistics - More...
- Median - Midpoint of the distribution of responses. If there is an even number of responses the Median is the average of the middle two.
- Mode - Response that occurs the most. If there is a tie, all responses are included and separated by commas.
- Low - Lowest response value
- High - Highest response value
- Variance - Measure of how far a set of numbers is spread out. If all responses are equal, the variance is 0. A small variance means the responses are close together. A large variance means the responses are spread out.
- Standard Deviation - Variation from the mean. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the mean; a high standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a large range of values.
- Standard Error - Calculates the confidence interval for the mean.
- Highlight the Mean or Group Median in the report.
Header Options
- Display Overall Mean by Response Set - Combines questions from multiple categories, with like response sets, to give an overall mean that is shown at the top of the evaluation report.
- This option shows the accumulated mean from all course and instructor questions on the report, in Comparative View. In Individual View, the option only reflects the mean for the course based questions.
Compare Performance Against
- This option allows comparisons that will appear on the right side of the report.
- Comparisons can be made to just the survey in the report or all surveys in the same assessment period.
- The following Performance Comparisons can be used:
- Each course with other courses assessed in the same survey or period (Overall Questions)
- Each course with other courses in the same department on the same survey or period (Overall Questions)
- Evaluated individuals with others evaluated in the same survey or period (People Based Questions)
- Evaluated individuals with others in the same department on the same survey or period (People Based Questions)
- Compare By:
- Percentile Rank - Percentage of scores in its frequency distribution which are the same or lower.
- Decile Rank - Each number corresponds to an increment of 10 percentage points. Looks like a rating scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the best.
- Quartile Rank - Each number corresponds to 25% of the population. Looks like a rating scale of 1 to 4 where 4 is the best.
- Symbolic - based on standard error ( -- - = + ++)
- Symbolic - based on standard deviation ( -- - = + ++)
- Symbolic - based on percentile rank: -- =10%, - 25%, =75%, +90%, ++ =90%
- Compare Against:
- Set to the Mean or Group Median for comparison.
Custom Report Footer
The text entered in this box will appear at the bottom of the report. This footer may contain text, HTML, and functions (see below) to add customization to the evaluation reports.
Grades via Grade/Prereq import
This is perhaps the easiest way to show grades for the participants who completed the survey for a course and those who have not. The following function can be entered into the Evaluation report footer to show overall grade average for the course, an overall participant grade average, and an overall non-participant grade average.
If your grades are alphabetic (A+ through F-)
If your grades are numeric (e.g. 3.60)
Student Overall GPA
If you have included GPA in your student import the following function can be entered into the Evaluation report footer to show overall course GPA, an overall participant GPA, and an overall non-participant GPA:
Grades via Incentive import
This will also show grades for completers and non-completers. The following function can be entered into the Evaluation report footer to show overall grade average for the course, an overall submitted participant grade average, and an overall non-participant grade average. The depicted function assumes the incentive name is "grade". This can be changed if your grade incentive is named something else. Also, grades are assumed to be numeric.
<<GetCourseIncentiveAverage('Grade', '', lcRefid)>>
NOTE: These options can be used with merged courses. The grades will be pulled from the original courses.
Percent Positive Responses (PPR) (June 2018)
This function will allow you to define which items in your scale are considered positive and also the percentage of positive responses that is acceptable. This is a unique approach to analyzing how well a course is doing.
It will show:
- Overall for the course (combines course and people-based questions)
- Comparisons across the hierarchy
- Summary for course vs people-based questions
- Details for each question for the course and each evaluated individual
- Security is in place for team taught courses to only show responses that are configured for report viewer's role
- "course" is localized where applicable
In the function below:
- 5 is the scale
- 4 represents the minimum response that is considered to be positive (if you had a 5-point scale, you may consider 4's and 5's positive). You may wish to set this to 3 for a 4-point scale and 5 for a 7-point scale.
- The 65 represents the minimum acceptable PPR (65% positive, in this example). You can choose any percentage you like. A PPR below the percentage will be red, and at or above will be green.
- The 1 toggles hierarchy comparisons on. Set to 0 to suppress this.
- The "lcRefid" and "This" reference must be left as-is.
Note: only questions that are marked to be included in the SI report in the Survey Display Options will be included here. This will help to eliminate questions that are not necessarily able to be aggregated or that do not make sense to be included. In the screen shot below the course question, "Rate the challenge level of this course", may not be the best option to include here.
Date and Time
You may want to show the report generation date and time to keep with the permanent record. Simply enter the function below into the Evaluation report footer:
PDF Page Options
Sets the PDF page sizes when generating as PDF.
Layout Options
- Start each Course’s report on a new page - Creates a page break between reports.
- Group report sections by sub-category - groups the report according to setup in the Question Manager.
- Show links to edit text responses - allows the Department Administrator or Course Evaluations manager to edit the text response given by the participant.
- Show links to view all responses from each participant - allows Department Administrators or Course Evaluations Managers to see all responses for one individual for the course they e viewing as well as all courses they have entered a response for.
Layout Options - Comparative View Only
Force report to show questions in the order they appeared on the survey - displays the questions in survey order.
Options for Individual View Only
General Options
- Show assessee's picture (if available) in report header.
- Show overall report last - Normally in Individual view, the overall questions come first followed by a separate report for each individual.This option generates the overall report last.
- Show Question Category comments - Displays comments for individual faculty members, if any were entered on a survey's question category screen.
Results Display Options
- Show BOTH questions and combined results - Groups results by category and subcategory and displays the combined results below the question summary.
- Show combined results ONLY - Removes the question summary and only displays the combined results. See below.
- Show questions ONLY - Displays only the question summary and does not include combined results.
Feedback Options
Show feedback on report- Choose to show Results Feedback in the Evaluation Report.
Show feedback at top of report in print view- Results Feedback will appear at the top of the report when printing.