This article outlines the basic instructions for faculty to log into Course Evaluations to retrieve evaluation results/reports. There are many reporting options available, so please feel free to explore the features of the system.

Accessing the Reports

Faculty will have access to the Course Evaluation's Response Portal in order to access their evaluation results. 

In Course Evaluations, there are four basic types of reports:

  • Evaluation Reports
  • Course Section Reports
  • Individual Reports
  • Survey Intelligence Reports

The Course Section Report is a modern report option with includes tailored statistics and visualizations targeted towards the faculty experience. The Evaluation Report has robust customization options and is recommended for those with highly unique reporting needs. Individual reports are a snapshot in time of the same data that appears in both the Course Section and Evaluation reports.  Survey Intelligence reports are for viewing longitudinal data and for creating custom views of scaled data questions.

Your institution may choose either the Course Section Report or the Evaluation Report as your default reporting option for faculty-use via their Response Portal. This setting will not impact an instructor's ability to access additional report options. 

Course Section Reports

This screen displays the faculty list for the year, term and survey selected in the drop-down menus. To view the results for a different set of surveys, change the selections from the drop-down menus.

The Course Section Report (CSR) is focused on a single evaluated person and course section. In the case of team-taught courses, there will be a separate report for each evaluated person found on the list page. You may filter or sort by each field and have the option to view, print or PDF one or more reports. To view the report, check the box corresponding to the report(s) and click View.

The CSR is a streamlined report aimed at providing an improved faculty experience. Based on our research and faculty feedback, we have included key features and statistics to provide a simple, effective, and appealing report option. This report does not offer the ability to modify these core options.    

The CSR offers the ability to toggle between a response breakdown view and segment comparisons. An instructor may compare their results against the mean and percentile rank of their department, division and entire survey period. 

Evaluation Reports

This screen displays the faculty list for the year, term and survey selected in the drop-down menus. To view the results for a different set of surveys, change the selections from the drop-down menus and allow the screen to refresh.

There are two basic types of Evaluation Report views: Comparative and Individual. Select the type of report to view from the drop down list labeled View.

  • Comparative view: presents an overview of the performance of all individuals evaluated for each course.
  • Individual view: presents the performance of each person assessed in separate sections of the report.

There are also advanced Evaluation Report views that are an extension of the Individual View.

  • Individual (All): presents a drop down filter at the top of the screen of the survey name and each individual is shown in the course/faculty list as a choice.
  • Individual (Students): presents a drop down filter at the top of the screen of each individual student evaluated for each course.  This allows the user to view reports for all surveys that the student has results for by a student name.
  • Individual (Faculty): presents a drop down filter at the top of the screen of each individual faculty evaluated for each course.  This allows the user to view reports for all surveys that the faculty has results for by a faculty member's name

From this page, select one or more courses to view in the report. To view the report, check the box corresponding to the report and click View

The default report view may provide a series of bar graphs and numerical results obtained for the selected course(s). If more than one course is selected from the reports page, they will be displayed in sequence scrolling down the page.

The default report may provide comparative results for a course, other courses in the department and all of the courses (campus wide) included in the evaluation period or just on this specific survey. Basic statistics are provided as well.

Reports may be printed by clicking the Print option located on the Evaluation Reports page or PDF can be created by clicking on the PDF option.

Individual Report

This report focuses on individual performance and displays the faculty list for the year, term and survey selected in the drop-down menus.

To view the results for a different set of surveys, change the selections from the drop-down menus and allow the screen to refresh.

There are two types of reports available for each course:

  • Overall - About the course
  • Individual - About the specific faculty listed

Click on the small graph button associated with the Individual Report to view the report.

The Overall Results Screen shows the evaluation results that pertain specifically to the listed course.

The Assessed Individual Result Screen shows evaluation results that pertain specifically to the selected Instructor(s).