The Import Results allows the Course Evaluations Manager to review any errors that occur in the import process.  The import report automatically appears after each import and can be accessed again by clicking 'Import Results' in the menu option and then clicking on the report icon.  If the error tolerance has been met (more than the set percentage of errors are found the import) the process will be stopped and the display icon will turn red .

Import Actions appear on the Import Log/Summary Report. The top of the report will show the number of occurrences by type and the details can be found by either scrolling to the heading name of the error or each action label on the report is a hyperlink to the details about the action(s) that need to be taken.


Errors prohibits 'bad data' from entering CoursEval.  Errors typically occur when data is missing from the import fields, the data that needs to match across CoursEval is not the same, or the data is incorrect in the import.  The "error" report appears after each import and can be viewed by clicking the 'View Details' button. These errors are documented in the Import Summary.


New, will show the new data that has imported successfully into CoursEval.  The summary reflects the details of the imported information.


Updates, will show the data that has been updated in the import.  The summary reflects the details of the updated information. Updates occur when the 'Overwrite Option' is selected in step 3 of the faculty, student, and teaching assistant imports. In the Department Import, overwrite existing values is always turned on.  The Department updates are based on a matching algorithm and the field that is matched on will not be updated at the time an import is run. The fields that can be updated in the Department Import are long name, short name, department code, and division.

Existing/No Update

Existing, will show the data that already exists in CoursEval.  The summary reflects the details of the existing information.

Detail Warnings

Detailed Warnings, will show the data that is not found, skipped, or has been changed during the import.  Data that has a warning will be brought into the system, if appropriate.  The summary reflects the details of the warnings. 

Detail Updates

Detail Updates, will show the new data labels that have been created/updated during the import.  The summary reflects the details of the imported information.

Detail Info Only

Detail Info-Only, will show the new data that has been created by CoursEval during the import.  Typically, this is a graduation year or password, if they are not supplied in the import file.  The summary reflects the details of the imported information.

Import Report > 10,000 Records

This message appears when there are greater than 10,000 records in the report.  Links to the reports will appear under the Import Actions.