The eTalus Service is responsible for handling automated tasks such as email notifications, database maintenance, statistic calculations, automated imports, Group Emails, and various extracts. If the service is showing as "Not Active," contact the institution's server administrator to request it be started again.
eTalus has been enabled to service high priority jobs without a long wait in line:
Up to 3 queue services can be active.
The Controller Service is now used to determine which jobs are ready to be serviced.
Jobs are based on priority and date/time added to the queue.
Survey Open, Close, & Release are always the first priority.
Email notifications (not Group Email) are also a priority and will quickly be sent without requiring a wait in the queue.
Survey report statistics have moved from the report to the service queues.
- The Service Status screen shows the status of the controller and all queues as well as statistics for each automated process.