The Survey Progress Report is used to display the Response Rate (number of expected participant results and the number of actual participant responses) for a particular survey. The drop-down menus allow the Course Evaluations Manager to choose a specific year, term, department, and survey.
- Avg Secs/Save - Average number of seconds from access to final save or submission. If no save occurs, the number of seconds are not captured.
- Total Saves - Number of non-submission saves (save progress).
- Total Retakes - Number of submissions occurring after the initial submission. Retakes are only possible if the option is set to allow this in Survey Site Setup.
- Total Abandoned - Number of times a survey is opened and then no save takes place.
- Total Saved, No Submit - Number of participants who have saved progress at some point, but who have not submitted the survey.
Summary by Department
To get an overview by department, click on the 'Department' header in the list screen.
Optional: Clicking the 'Show Details' button will give a course by course view of the report grouped by department.
Summary by Survey
To get an overview by survey, click on the 'Survey Name' header in the list screen.
Optional: Clicking the 'Show Details' button will give a course by course view of the report grouped by survey.
Video - Survey Progress Report Overview:
This video will give you an overview of the Survey Progress Report, which include different views based on individual course, departments, and survey roll-up.
NOTE: This report is also very helpful for a Response Rate Report