The Display Options icon allows the Course Evaluations Manager to set up the appearance of the survey.
Survey Introduction and Closing Text
- Create a Survey Introduction - the message that students will read and that appears at the top of the survey.
- Create a Survey Close - the message that students will read and that appears at the bottom of the survey.
- Create a Survey Introduction for Mobile- the message that students will read and that appears at the top of the survey in mobile mode.
Survey Rules
- Disable Responsive Survey: do not reformat this survey on mobile devices
- Remove vulgar or inappropriate words from responses. Removes inappropriate words (based on a database file in Course Evaluations) from the comment responses. It replaces the offensive word with ****.
Survey Display - Responsive Survey Layout
- Question Category and Sub-Category Headings can be shown or hidden from the survey taker.
- The exceptions for hidden Categories are:
- For People-based questions the heading will always appear to focus the survey taker on the person being evaluated
- Category instructions are always visible
- Survey level comments (set up in Question Category Settings) are always visible
- Subcategory instructions are always visible
- Subcategory buttons to set all N/A are always visible when this feature is enabled
- The exceptions for hidden Categories are:
- Render as a single page
- This will bypass the multi-page experience
- Show name(s) of Responsible Faculty on survey forms, report headers, and group email merge fields, allows the Responsible Faculty members name to be visible on the survey, in the report headers, and in the group e-mail merger tags, where appropriate.
- Disable option to mark all questions in a category as "Not Applicable" (N/A). This disables the shortcut links that allow the student to pass over an entire section and mark the entire section as 'Not Applicable.
NOTE: Revert to traditional surveys – If there is complex HTML (e.g. Rubrics) used in the surveys for better rendering.
Survey Display - Traditional Survey Layout
- Question Category and Sub-Category Headings can be shown or hidden from the survey taker.
- The exceptions for hidden Categories are:
- For People-based questions the heading will always appear to focus the survey taker on the person being evaluated
- Category instructions are always visible
- Survey level comments (set up in Question Category Settings) are always visible
- Subcategory instructions are always visible
- Subcategory buttons to set all N/A are always visible when this feature is enabled
- The exceptions for hidden Categories are:
- Show name(s) of Responsible Faculty on survey forms, report headers, and group email merge fields, allows the Responsible Faculty members name to be visible on the survey, in the report headers, and in the group e-mail merger tags, where appropriate.
- Disable option to mark all questions in a category as "Not Applicable" (N/A). This disables the shortcut links that allow the student to pass over an entire section and mark the entire section as 'Not Applicable.'
- Hide question numbers, hides the numbering of the questions on the survey.
- Reset question numbering for each survey section focused upon people, (Multiple-type Categories). By default, question numbering will begin at 1 and increment based on the total number of questions on the survey. Checking this box will cause the numbering to start at '1' for each individual faculty section on the survey.
- Only show section instructions once for Main Categories that repeat on the survey form. The instructions will only appear the first time the Main Category is shown.
- Only show section instructions once for Sub Categories that repeat on the survey form. The instructions will only appear the first time the Sub Category is shown.
Survey Participant Options
- Allow participants to send an email to the survey administrator. Setting this option will allow participants to send in questions or comments to the survey administrator.
- If multiple individuals are assessed, show a pick list at the top of the survey that allows the participant to view one question section at a time instead of presenting one long form containing all sections on one page. Setting this option will make evaluations that assess many people far more manageable for survey participants as it eliminates the need for a lot of scrolling.
- Allow participants to request additional individuals to assess. Setting this option will allow participants to request individuals not listed on the survey to be added in order to assess them.
- When allowing participants to select the individuals they will assess, the CE Manager is able to display pictures and/or comments on the assessment form. This option is used for Question Categories that are set to the multiple type and allows the participant taking the survey the ability to see a picture (if available) of the individual(s) they are choosing to assess without having to open a new window for each person. If comments are entered (in Detailed Settings, Question Category Settings, for an individual), a pop-up box will appear next to the individual's name on the survey with the comment information in it. This comment information is usually used for special information, like lecture topics, titles, and so on.
Reporting Options
- Allow Faculty to elect question privacy when selecting survey questions.
- Do not show actual assessee names in comparative survey results graphs and reports. This option will show the assessee's Course Evaluations key identification number instead of their name on the reports.
- Show "Box Graphs" instead of Bar Graphs in Detailed Reports.
Question Category, Sub Category, and Question Options
Question Category
These options can be changed on a survey-by-survey basis by clicking the Show/Hide Category Details.
- Category Title - Can be customized specifically for each survey.
- Questions in this Category should appear - Choose either Multiple Times, or Once Only.
- 'Multiple Times - Once for each person being assessed'- This category type is used for faculty-based questions and allows the question to be repeated for each faculty member on a survey that includes questions in this category.
- 'Once only - Overall Questions' – This category type is used for course-based questions that will only occur one time per survey. These questions are more general or directed towards the entire course being assessed.
- Allow participants to select the individuals they will assess - Allows participants to choose the faculty members with whom they worked prior to viewing the questions for any of the Categories listed. The survey will be presented in two parts: one for questions related to the overall course and one for all questions focused on faculty members.
- Category Instructions - Can be customized specifically for each survey. Enter any special Category Instructions here. The instructions will appear in the category header, below the title in the survey.
- Assessee Selection Instructions - Can be customized specifically for each survey. The instructions will appear in the category header explaining how to select people to be evaluated. If no instructions are entered into this field, generic instructions explaining the purpose of the selection process will be shown.
- Mark all as 'Not Applicable' Message - Can be customized specifically for each survey. This message is used for questions that have a 'Not Applicable' answer in a Response Set. This message appears below the Sub-Category title, with a link that will mark all questions in the section as 'Not Applicable' if selected by the survey participant. This option also needs to be activated in the response set.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Shared questions have to have shared response sets. If not, the response set will default to the first one in the response set list.
Applying Question Filters
This option gives the CE Manager the ability to apply a set of questions to an entire department, course, or groupings of courses.
- Add the courses to the survey.
- Click on the 'Display Options' icon on the survey administrations menu.
- Click the 'Show/Hide Category Details' for the question category that should be applied.
- Click the plus sign next to 'Question Filters.'
- Select the fliter(s) to apply the questions to.
- Click 'Save.'
- This option works on all question types.
- The settings can be checked in the Display Options, Question Category Settings, or in the Preview of the survey.
Sub Category
In the Sub-Category level the CE Manager can change the response set, set required questions, tag certain questions to be included in the Comparative and Director Reports, hide results of a question from assessed individuals, and set up question rules.
- To change a response set for a specific question, choose the new response from the drop-down menu and click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.
- Required Questions is used to set the questions that must be answered in a survey. The CE Manager has to check those questions that will be required and click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.
- To include results in the Survey Intelligence Report, click the option box, and click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.
- To show results on the Director Reports, click the option box, and click 'Save' at the bottom of the page. This option allows the CE Manager to "show" questions on the Director's Report.
NOTE: This option is only available on Rotation Surveys and Templates.
- To Hide Responses from Assessed Individuals by question, click the 'Private' option box, and click 'Save' at the bottom of the page. This option masks the question and results from the report that a participant may view.
Question Rule
In the Question Section, Managers can add "Question Rules" to track answers for low scoring or sensitive questions. For example, "Did you witness any abuse?" If that question is answered "YES," a notification will be sent.
- Click the 'Add' link.
- Enter the rule name.
- Enter the e-mail address of the person who should receive the e-mail notification. Typically, this is the CE Manager.
- Enter the message that will appear in the e-mail.
- Select the response trigger. This is the answer that, if selected, will generate the e-mail that is sent.
- Click the Status box to make the rule active.
- Click 'Add.'