The School Set Up list allows the Course Evaluations Manager to view and enter basic information about the school, like the Institution name, the school name, and the current academic year. Universities that have multiple schools can choose to run one database with all the school's information and have the data combined or create separate databases for each school, so that the data is kept separate by school name.
Adding/Editing a School
- Select 'Add New' from the list screen.
- Enter the Institution Name.
- Enter the School Name.
- Enter the School's short name or abbreviation.
- Select the Current Year from the drop-down menu.
- If a School uses a lock-step curriculum, (specified below), the value selected here will determine the current year of the students in the database, based on the year each student is expected to graduate.
- When the CE Manager changes the Current Year, the Courses in which students are enrolled will also change for all non-elective Courses. This will not affect participant settings for any survey with a Status Level of "Test" or "Active."
- The CE Manager should only change the value of the Current Year when it is time to roll students forward to the next year, which is sometime in early summer, depending upon the institution's academic calendar.
- The Current Year is VERY important.
- This date tells the system to move students ahead to the next year.
- The CE Manager must change the Current Year at the beginning of every school year to ensure that students are in the correct graduation year.
- The student's year of graduation must be correct in the student record because Course Evaluations calculates the student year by the year of graduation.
- Select the Enrollment Settings.
- "Only show students who were imported with this school as their Primary School" - If this box is checked, Course Evaluations will only show students marked with this school as their primary School. The primary School is specified when students are imported into the database. Normally, this box should not be checked for undergraduate colleges since students are often enrolled in courses offered across the institution.
- "This School has a 'lock-step' curriculum" - Check this box if the School offers a "lock step" or "fixed" curriculum. This will allow the CE Manager to enroll entire classes of students in the appropriate Courses from year to year.
NOTE: The Primary School is a specific school that students are enrolled in. If the CE Manager wants to keep students separate from other schools in the Institution, then this option will be checked. This option creates a school "silo" that will keep students from being mixed in with other schools at the Institution.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Most schools with an undergraduate program will NOT check either box, while most professional schools will check both boxes.
- Set the School Administrator Report Access - This option sets up Deans, Provosts, etc. as School Administrators.
- "Allow School Administrators to view numeric results" - If this box is checked, the faculty designated as School Administrators will have access to view numeric survey results once the survey is closed.
- "Allow School Administrators to view text results/written comments"- If this box is checked, the faculty designated as School Administrators will have access to view written comment survey results once the survey is closed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When the ‘School Administrator’ role is selected in a faculty record of the dean, he/she will have the ability to view all the Evaluation and Detailed reports for closed surveys that Managers have access to.
- Click 'Add.'
Video - School Database Year Update