The Group Email Message Template form allows the Course Evaluations Manager to customize the appearance and content of each group email message through the use of merge fields. Merge fields allow the CE Manager the ability to 'personalize' e-mail content to a particular audience.
To enter a merge field in the content of an e-mail, select the merge field from the drop-down menu and click insert at the point in the message that the field should appear.
- First Name - Displays the recipient's first name at the insertion point in the message.
- Last Name - Displays the recipient's last name at the insertion point in the message.
- Middle Initial - Displays the recipient's middle initial at the insertion point in the message.
- Salutation - Displays the recipient's salutation at the insertion point in the message.
NOTE: This information is not always imported. Please check the student record before using it in a default message.
- User Name - Displays the recipient's user name at the insertion point in the message.
NOTE: If the message includes the login information, this field is not needed.
- Password - Displays the recipient's password at the insertion point in the message.
NOTE: If a site is using external authentication, the actual password will not be shown, but the user will be asked to use the password associated with his/her account.
- Link To Site - Displays a link to the Survey Site at the insertion point in the message.
NOTE: If the message includes login information, this field is not needed. If the CE Manager has entered a custom Link to Site in the Survey Site Setup form, the link entered will be shown instead of the default link to the Survey Site.
- Evaluations Assigned (Participant) - For Participants: Displays a list of all assigned evaluations, including status (submitted or missed) and closing dates.
NOTE: In order to use this field, the message must be sent to "All Participants involved in the surveys selected above," an option on the Group Email setup form. Assigned evaluations shown will be limited to the surveys selected when the message is created.
- Incomplete Evaluations (Participant) - For Participants: Displays a list of all assigned evaluations that have not been completed. Each survey's published deadline is also shown.
NOTE: In order to use this field, the Group Email message must be sent to "Participants who have not completed assigned evaluations." The delinquent evaluations shown will be limited to the surveys selected on the Group Email setup form.
- Courses to be Evaluated (Assessee) - For Assessee: Lists the details, depending on the survey type, of where an individual's performance has been, or will be, evaluated. A good place to use this field is in a message announcing the availability of survey results.
NOTE: This field can be selected if the Group Email message is to be sent to "All people being assessed in the selected surveys." Information included will be based on the survey(s) selected on the Group Email setup form.
- Participants Assigned (Assessee) - For Assessee: Lists the participants who will be evaluating the recipient's performance in the surveys selected on the Group Email setup form. This field could be used in a message sent prior to activating a survey to allow the assessee to confirm that the current participant list is complete and accurate.
NOTE:This field can be selected if the Group Email message is to be sent to "All people being assessed in the selected surveys." Information included will be based on the survey(s) selected on the Group Email setup form.
- Delinquent Participants (Assessee) - For Assessee: Lists the participants who have been assigned to evaluate the recipient's performance, but who have not yet completed the evaluation. This field is used as survey deadlines approach and the CE Manager wants to ask the assessee to encourage delinquent participants to complete their assigned evaluations.
NOTE: This field can be selected if the Group Email message is to be sent to "All people being assessed in the selected surveys." Information included will be based on the survey(s) selected on the Group Email setup form.
- Completed Participants - For Assessee: Lists the participants who have completed the assigned evaluations for the course(s) assigned to the faculty member.
NOTE:Note: This field can be selected if the Group Email message is to be sent to "All people being assessed in the selected surveys." Information included will be based on the survey(s) selected on the Group Email setup form.
- Delinquent Participant Count - For Assessee: Lists the expected and received counts for each course. This field is used as survey deadlines approach and the CE Manager wants to show the assessee the number of participants that were assigned to complete the survey and the number that have completed the survey.
NOTE: This field can be selected if the Group Email message is to be sent to "All people being assessed in the selected surveys." Information included will be based on the survey(s) selected on the Group Email setup form.