Updates will only take place if the checkbox for Overwrite is checked
- Match on the column specified in import settings: Username or SchoolID (a.k.a University ID Number or University Code)
- When Matching on SchoolID there are two options for resolving issues regarding UserNames.
- Enable or disable username updates:
- If updates are disabled, the person is found by the matching ID, and the username in the import is different from the username in the matched record, the record will error out.
- If updates are enabled, the person is found by the matching ID, and the username in the import is found on another record, the record will error out.
- Automatically resolve issues where another record is found with the same username
- If this feature is disabled, the person is not found by the matching ID, and the username is found on another record, the record will error out.
- If this feature is enabled, the person is not found by the matching ID, and the username is found on another record, the username on the other record found is changed (see formula below) and the record is marked as inactive.
- <Username>_<match identifier value>_<record number in the Course Evaluations people table>
- This ensures the changed username is unique and keeps the username intact for searching and troubleshooting purposes.
- Making the old record inactive assumes that usernames are being re-used making this an automated deactivation feature.
- Be careful when choosing this strategy.
- Duplicates with the same unique identifier (based on the unique identifier setting for the import) are eliminated as errors both before and after matching takes place. Only the first record is imported when there are duplicates.
- If not using Username for matching, Records with duplicate usernames in the file are eliminated. Only the first record is imported when there are duplicates.
- The matching strategy is included in the report header and appended to the import title in the log.
- Matching does not consider the database.
- Enable or disable username updates:
- New ethnicity labels are always added
- New salutations are always added
- Passwords are auto-generated with a standard prefix if they are blank or the password column does not exist. All auto-generated passwords are prefixed with ‘A_’ and then 8 unique digits. The 8 unique digits come from a unique string generator, but passwords are not guaranteed to be unique… only random.
- Passwords are encrypted
- Active flag defaults to YES if empty.
- Active flag is set to YES if the word in the column starts with ‘Y’ or ‘y’
- Local authentication flag defaults to NO if empty.
- Local authentication flag is set to YES if the word in the column starts with ‘Y’ or ‘y’
- Gender will be set to Male if the word in the gender column starts with ‘M’ or ‘m’ and to Female if it starts with ‘F’ or ‘f’.
- Salutations ALWAYS get a period appended if less than 4 letters.
- Email is always validated. Records will error out if email address is not a valid email format.
- Research codes must include the letter (A, B, C) plus an integer from 1-10 otherwise they are ignored.