• Add Faculty, Responsible Faculty, and Participating Faculty roles if missing
  • The primary role is set to Dual if student in faculty import
    • If the tolerance threshold for the number of student in a faculty import is exceeded then all student records found in the faculty import will error out with an error the “Too many students are found in the faculty file”. The threshold percent is calculated based on # of students found over total records.
    • If the tolerance is not exceeded, a warning is issued that student is converting to dual.
  • New departments will be added only if checkbox Create any non-existent Departments is checked.
  • Add Department Administrator role if department administrator flag is set.
    • Set person as faculty department administrator and course department administrator if department in import is valid and the department administrator flag is set.
    • Department administrator flag defaults to NO if empty.
    • Department administrator flag is set to YES if the word in the column starts with ‘Y’ or ‘y’