Below is the text you can copy and paste into your email template:
Did you know that response rates are generally higher when actively promoting and discussing evaluations in class?
Instructors can influence response rates by:
<li>Reserving time in-class to complete the survey</li>
<li>Informing students about the purpose of evaluations</li>
<li>Explaining how the College uses their feedback</li>
<li>Providing some examples of useful feedback, and how the course/pedagogy has benefited in response</li>
<li>Making it an assignment on the syllabus</li>
<li>Offering extra credit for completion</li>
To help you best determine how to encourage participation, a list of your courses and number of students who have not responded appears below.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Here is what it will look like:
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