The first step is to create messages that are a hybrid of an announcement and reminder for both faculty and students. For students, a generic message letting them know that they have surveys to take. For faculty, a message reminding them that the surveys for their courses are open. 

Once these templates are built, the next step is determining the frequency of the messages. The frequency may be a set number of days if the custom start dates fall into a nice pattern or it could be an arbitrary number of days, determined by the manager, like every four days. Once this is decided the group e-mails can be built.

NOTE: In step 3 of the group e-mail set up, choose from one of the following options:

  • Available Surveys - select this if you only want the email to be sent to courses with an open custom window at the time of email send.
    • Reminder emails to students (Participants who were assigned to complete evaluations in the surveys selected in Step 4, but have not yet done so) automatically sets to this option.
  • Ignore all Dates - select this if you want the email to be sent to all courses, no matter if the custom window is open or not.
  • Surveys windows that have started (and may have concluded) - select this if you want the email to be sent to courses with an open or previously closed custom window.
  • Surveys that have concluded - select this if you want the email to be sent to all courses that have a custom window that closed in the past.