The Group By option allows the Course Evaluations Manager to decide how data are aggregated on the report. If the Combined option is chosen, the data for all selected Blocks or Sites will be treated as if they were a single entity. Otherwise, data for each selected section will be reported separately, which is the default.
Group By - Data can be grouped to:
- No Grouping
- Survey
- Block
- Site
- Block (Combined) - Combines all sites in the block for each course on the survey
- Site (Combined) - Combines all blocks in the site for each course on the survey
- Block/Site (Combined) - Combines the data by block and site for each course on the survey
NOTE: If an option is chosen, the data for all selected Periods or Sites will be treated as if they were a single section. Otherwise, data for each selected section will be reported separately, which is the default setting.
No Grouping
View | Group Drop Down | Survey | Question | Data is Grouped like this for the reports | What is in list view? | What does report show? |
Comparative | No grouping | N | Overall | Survey, OVERALL, course, block, site, overall questions only | Survey information - Course, Responsible faculty, Site/Group, and Block | Overall data and each person's data compared. The block and site appear in the header. |
Comparative | No grouping | N | People Based | Survey, person, course, block, site , multiple questions only | Survey information - Course, Responsible faculty, Site/Group, and Block | |
Individual | No grouping | N | Overall | Survey, OVERALL, course, block, site, overall questions only | Survey information - Course, Responsible faculty, Site/Group, and Block | Overall data and each person's data individually reported. The block and site appear in the header. |
Individual | No grouping | N | People Based | Survey, person, course, block, site , multiple questions only | Survey information - Course, Responsible faculty, Site/Group, and Block |
Group Drop Down | Survey | Question | Data is Grouped like this for the reports | What is in list view? | What does report show? |
Group by survey | N | Overall | Survey, OVERALL, overall questions only | Close Date of the Survey | All data is aggregated by survey and each person's data is compared. The total responses aggregated (summary /grouping applied) appears in the header. |
| N | People Based | Survey, person, multiple questions only | Close Date of the Survey |
Group Drop Down | Survey | Question | Data is Grouped like this for the reports | What is in list view? | What does report show? |
Group by Block | N | Overall | survey, OVERALL, block, overall questions only | All blocks | All data is aggregated by block and each person's data is compared. The total responses aggregated by block (summary /grouping applied) appears in the header. |
| N | People Based | survey, person, block, People Based questions only | All blocks |
Group Dropdown | Survey | Question | Data is Grouped like this for the reports | What is in list view? | What does report show? |
Group by Site | N | Overall | survey, OVERALL, site, overall questions only | All sites | All data is aggregated by site and each person's data is compared. The total responses aggregated by site (summary /grouping applied) appears in the header. |
| N | People Based | survey, person, site, People Based questions only | All sites |
Block Combined
Group Drop down | Survey | Question | Data is Grouped like this for the reports | What is in list view? | What does report show? |
Combine by block | N | Overall | survey, OVERALL (filter all selected blocks and surveys), overall questions only | All Blocks | All data is aggregated by block and each person's data appears in a combined data table. The total responses aggregated by block (summary /grouping applied) and blocks chosen appear in the header. |
| N | People Based | survey, person (filter all selected blocks and surveys), People Based questions only | All Blocks |
Site Combined
Group Drop Down | Survey | Question | Data is Grouped like this for the reports | What is in list view? | What does report show? |
Combine by site | N | Overall | survey, OVERALL (filter all selected sites and surveys), overall questions only | All Sites | All data is aggregated by site and each person's data appears in a combined data table. The total responses aggregated by site (summary /grouping applied) and sites chosen appear in the header. |
| N | People Based | survey, person (filter all selected sites and surveys), People Based questions only | All Sites |
Block/Site Combined
Group Drop Down | Survey | Question | Data is Grouped like this for the reports | What is in list view? | What does report show? |
Combine by block/site | N | Overall | survey, OVERALL (filter all selected blocks/site combos and surveys), overall questions only | All Blocks and Sites | All data is aggregated by site/block and each person's data appears in a combined data table. The total responses aggregated by site/block (summary /grouping applied) and sites/blocks chosen appear in the header. |
| N | People Based | survey, person (filter all selected block/sites combos and surveys), People Based questions only | All Blocks and Sites |
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